The yearly mining gathering in South Africa, known as Mining Indaba has come and gone with the remarkable participation of BFG Consulting & Services, your, Conakry Guinea based mining consultancy firm. The event took place between February 4 and 7 2019 in Cape Town, South Africa.
BFG Consulting & Services’ Director in Charge of Technical Operations, an outstanding geologist, Mr Himmy Camara, represented the company.
In one of the discussion forums at the mining Indaba, Mr Himmy Camara argued in favour of funding to be made available for mining research purposes, in order to boost the sector.
« Multinationals more often show interest only in the exploitation phase of mining without putting in the required resources to finance research. There is much to be done in the area of mining research. Junior mining companies need finances especially for research. What is being exploited today is thanks to research that was carried out since the 1930s. If there are no investments in research now, humanity may remain without resources to exploit in not too distant future,» he warned.
Himmy Whith Partners at Indaba 2019
« In Guinea for instance, there are indications that there is copper and research needs to be done to ascertain the quality and quantity. The major challenge for Junior mining companies remains lack of resources to finance research, somewhat delaying development in the industry,» BFG’s Technical Director stated. The Ivorians, Senegalese and Malian junior mining company officials who were present in one of the symposiums hailed BFG for highlighting that major challenge they each face in their respective countries. Mr Himmy Camara also informed the mining Indaba that BFG Consulting & Services manages its permits as well as those of its partners and clients in Guinea and elsewhere in Africa. « We manage Gold permits of our clients and one of such permit is at its exploitation phase. BFG holds Bauxite, Gold and Diamond titles that it also manages. Some, like the bauxite permit is in the feasibility study phase while we are carrying out research on others, » he said. As the only mining consultancy firm from Guinea at the Indaba, the Guinean government officials gave BFG, the honour to display its flyers on the government stands. It emerged from the stands that Guinea has a new mining code which protects the interests of the investor and the investments and promotes the socioeconomic development of the country. Environmental Protection
DT at Guinea Mining Indaba Stand
The Indaba 2019 sought to look for different ways through which Junior mining companies can assist each other and improve knowledge on the management and exploitation of resources and the financing of projects. The event also discussed the need for the protection of the environment threatened by climatic conditions and climate change. The World Bank during the event spoke of Intelligent Exploitation. Companies were encouraged to use electric equipment so as to avoid pollution like what the USA, Japan and China are experimenting. Surface mining was also encouraged in the case where the exploitation involves the use of dynamites. The conference was a blessing to BFG Consulting & Services. Some companies showed interest to do business with BFG and its team of experts.